What to prepare for big band auditions:
*A song or etude that you makes you sound good
*Major scales
*Optional improvisation for a song or blues of your choice
*Be prepared to sight read.

For more information about the RCC Music Program, please visit the following websites:

www.rccband.org - Marching Tigers

Riverside City College

You must apply to RCC and be accepted before a semester starts:


For full-time student big bands:

Jazz Orchestra, MWF 12:15pm-1:45,
Charlie Richard, director, charles.richard@rcc.edu

Jazz Ensemble, MWF 2pm-3:30,
James Rocillo, director, james.rocillo@rcc.edu

Jazz Lab Band, MW 5pm-6:30,
Dr. Jeffrey Benedict, director, Jeffrey.Benedict@rccd.edu

Jazz Collective, MW 5pm-6:30
Rickshaw, director, rick.shaw@rccd.edu

For community big bands:

Community students/players are encouraged to contact the appropriate
conductor and attend the first rehearsal.

Mondays 7:30pm-9:30, Kevin Mayse & Charlie Richard,
directors, kevin.mayse@rcc.edu, charles.richard@rcc.edu

Tuesdays 7:30pm-9:30, Brian McNair,
director, Brian.McNair@rccd.edu

Wednesdays 7:30pm-9:30, Steven Ragsdale,
director, sragsdalemusic@gmail.com

For combos:

There will be multiple combos with meeting times arranged to fit the students' schedules. We have the combo meeting and organization of students on the first Friday of the semester
at 1:15pm in the band room. At that meeting we'll match up students with similar backgrounds, ability and schedules.

We have 7 large jazz ensembles this year!

Auditions are held the first week of a semester. Full-time students please attend one or more of the rehearsals on the 1st Monday at 12:15pm, 2pm or 5pm in the band room (all at the Coil School for the Arts). The audition process will be further explained and scheduled there.

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